Linda Robinson

Linda received a master’s degree in Religious Studies/Ministry from LaSalle College, a master’s degree in Education Leadership from St. Joseph’s University, and Advanced Graduate Certificates in Spiritual Direction and Supervision from Chestnut Hill College.

She has 20 years’ experience as a spiritual director and has served as a Program Presenter and Visiting Director, directing individuals and retreats at The Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth for 18 years, and now at Daylesford Abbey.

In addition to her spiritual direction/supervision ministry, Linda is an adjunct faculty member in Religious Studies at Chestnut Hill College.

Having worked in education for many decades, and as a registered nurse, wife, mother, and grandmother, Linda draws from a wide breadth of human experience in her spiritual direction ministry.

Events with Linda Robinson

Silent Directed Retreat - Online Option
Open Dates

Several times throughout the year, St. Raphaela Center offers multiday Ignatian retreats directed by the Center staff and visiting directors. This is a unique opportunity to spend time in silence and tranquility in order to listen more deeply to the quiet voice of God that speaks to each of our hearts. Our experienced spiritual directors on staff will accompany you throughout this privileged time of retreat in the Ignatian spirit. If you have a place to make retreat and want to meet online with one of our Spiritual Directors, register for this online option, which will provide you with only…

A Practicum in Giving the 19th Annotation 2023-24
Open Dates

This Practicum (available in a hybrid format; participants can choose to join online or in-person) will explore the content, graces and dynamics of the 19th Annotation: Retreat in Everyday Life.  It will provide assistance and support to spiritual directors as they give the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  This Practicum will deepen one’s experiential understanding of the weeks of the Spiritual Exercises as they unfold in the everyday life of a retreatant.  Growth in the  knowledge and understanding of Ignatian Rules for Discernment will unfold the appreciation of the art and skill of spiritual discernment. Requirements for admission: Completed a…

A Practicum in Giving the 19th Annotation 2024-25
Open Dates

This online practicum will explore the content, graces and dynamics of the 19th Annotation: Retreat in Everyday Life.  It will provide assistance and support to spiritual directors as they give the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.  This Practicum will deepen one’s experiential understanding of the weeks of the Spiritual Exercises as they unfold in the everyday life of a retreatant.  Growth in the  knowledge and understanding of Ignatian Rules for Discernment will unfold the appreciation of the art and skill of spiritual discernment. Requirements for admission: Completed a Formation Program for Spiritual Direction Receives monthly Spiritual Direction Meeting with at…

Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life Inquiry
Package Dates

The 19th Annotation This retreat follows the entire 30-day Spiritual Exercises retreat, but is adapted to be made during “daily life”, that is, without taking a month off of work or studies or family.  Retreatants meet once a week with their spiritual director to review their prayer and to receive material for the following week of prayer.  It is expected that the retreatant would set aside 1 hour of prayer a day, plus 15 minutes for the examen at the end of the day.  While it is usually better to begin this retreat in the early fall so that the…

Summer Directed Retreat III 2024
July 17 - 24, 2024

A directed retreat at St. Raphaela Center is a time of quiet in order to enhance attentiveness to God’s voice within you and in your life. A reverent silence is maintained throughout the Retreat Center at all times including during meals. Each retreatant meets with his/her director daily for approximately 45 minutes.  Each director possesses the necessary skills to guide their directees compassionately and peacefully, allowing them to listen to God’s voice and to journey closely with their loving God, both within the retreat setting and going forth into their daily lives.  The number, nature and length of periods of…